Student Culture » Student Expectations

Student Expectations

Student Expectations

Behavioral Expectations


At Bricolage, it is important to us to establish and maintain a positive and supportive school community, in which both students and adults feel safe, secure and have the greatest opportunity to learn. We strongly believe all adults play an important role in supporting students’ behavioral development; therefore we consistently implement proactive strategies that define, support and teach appropriate behavior to create a positive learning community. 


  • Core beliefs on discipline
    • We believe that every attempt should be made to maintain the dignity of both the student and the adult.
    • We believe that misbehavior should be handled with a combination of accountability and restoration. We believe all students want to do well and can do well; therefore, misbehavior should be viewed as an opportunity for students to learn and demonstrate effective communication skills to ensure their  needs are met. 
    • We believe responses to behavior should be immediate, predictable, and consistent to decrease undesirable behaviors and promote positive learning experiences.
    • We believe that parents should be communicated with when their students are missing academic instruction due to misbehavior. Parents can and should monitor their student’s behavior via their Kickboard parent account.


  • Consequences
    • To be clear, boundaries and consequences are important. We also strive to develop every student as a self-reflective, empathetic responsible person. We do this by intentionally teaching into student’s social and emotional skills and utilizing poor choices as an opportunity to learn.