PowerSchool & FastBridge
Research shows that when parents are engaged, students become more active participants in the educational process, which helps mitigate problems, instills better study habits, and addresses issues as they arise – all of which are key factors in academic success. Our PowerSchool’s Parent Portal provides parents/guardians confidential and real time access to their student's information such as attendance and grades. This also allows teachers and parents/guardians to communicate electronically so that information is shared on a regular, timely basis.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please contact Christina Manriquez, [email protected].
Follow these instructions if you have never had a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account.
- Open a web browser, access your PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal URL ( this can be found on the parent portal access letter that was mailed out)
- On the Student and Parent Portal Sign In page click the “Create Account” tab.
- Please select the “Create Account” button and fill out the required fields.
- Use the Access ID and Access Password provided in the letter that was mailed to each family to link your child/children to your parent account. If you do not have your Access ID and Access password letter please reach out to [email protected] to request a letter.
- Remember to always Log out when you are finished using the parent portal.
FastBridge is one of the tools we use for benchmark assessments and is administered each fall, winter and spring to students as follows:
1:1 assessments
Kindergarten – earlyReading Composite Score, Number Identification
1st Grade – earlyReading Composite Score
2nd Grade – CBMreading
Computer-Based Assessments
Kindergarten – n/a
1st Grade – aMath (winter and spring only), CBMmath-Automaticity
2nd Grade – aReading, aMath, CBMmath-Automaticity
Screening scores provide a data snapshot that is used to support identification of students who are at-risk and in need of interventions and/or enrichment or acceleration. The assessments measure early literacy, early numeracy, and math computation in grades K-2. The results are used to measure learning status and growth within the school year.