Academics » Curriculum



PreK-2nd Grade Academics

The academic approach at Bricolage is created with the guidance of the Common Core State and the Louisiana State Standards. Through this we do not lose sight of our value of a hands on, child-centered approach to learning. Students are nudged to work independently and alongside others to become great readers, writers, mathematicians, and thinkers.


Creative Curriculum (PreK)

In our Pre-Kindergarten classrooms, teachers use the Creative Curriculum approach to instruction to design their teaching and learning and ensure developmentally appropriate practice. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is based on five fundamental principles that guide the practice and program. These principles are: 

  1. Positive interactions and relationships with adults provide a critical foundation for successful learning. 
  2. Social-emotional competence is a significant factor in school success. 
  3. Constructive, purposeful play supports essential learning. 
  4. The physical environment affects the type and quality of learning interactions. 
  5. Teacher-family partnerships promote development and learning.


Foundational Reading Skills Instruction 

Bricolage Elementary uses EL Education Skills Block to engage students in learning foundational literacy skills.  EL’s Skills Block is rooted in the science of reading and aligned to CCSS foundational skills. The Skills Block time is built over 1 hour  including whole group explicit instruction and small group instruction aligned to the identified microphases of the students. During whole group instruction grade level phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency skills are explicitly and systematically taught. Small Group instruction allows for teachers to address students’ individual reading targets dependent on their foundational skills needs.


Illustrative Math (2nd)

Students will experience the Illustrative Math Curriculum, a hands-on approach to learning the concepts and applications of math. Illustrative Mathematics implements the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in a manner that is rigorous, coherent, engaging, culturally relevant to students, and accessible to all learners.

3rd-8th Grade Academics

The academic approach at Bricolage is created with the guidance of the Common Core State and the Louisiana State Standards. Through this we do not lose sight of our value of a hands on, child-centered approach to learning. Students are nudged to work independently and alongside others to become great readers, writers, mathematicians, and thinkers. Students take all subjects listed to ensure each child is provided with rigorous instruction, culturally responsive teaching, and quality experiences that provide a holistic approach to learning.

English Language Arts

The Wit and Wisdom curriculum provides students with regular practice with complex texts, reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational. It also implements writing strategies from The Writing Revolution. Curriculum will be supplemented with culturally responsive texts and practices. Students are also supported to develop as readers through robust classroom libraries and guidance in selecting books to read independently as part of our Bookolage program. 

Social Studies

The Social Studies curriculum is based on the 2022 Louisiana State Standards for Social Studies. To ensure that students have access to quality materials, our teachers use resources from a variety of aligned and complementary sources: the NSNO Social Studies Consortium, Core Knowledge, Facing History and Ourselves, The DBQ Project, and Learning for Justice. . Teachers use inquiry to structure both units and lessons so that students are able to construct answers to important questions on themes such as power, difference, and change as they learn information. Frequently, the Social Studies and ELA classes will collaborate on literacy strategies, including vocabulary, writing, and knowledge-building.


Students will experience the Illustrative Math Curriculum, a hands-on approach to learning the concepts and applications of math. Illustrative Mathematics implements the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in a manner that is rigorous, coherent, engaging, culturally relevant to students, and accessible to all learners.


The Amplify Science (3rd-6th) digital curriculum invites students to explore phenomena with the purpose of solving authentic problems. IQWST digital curriculum (7th-8th) encourages students to investigate questions relevant to their lives by conducting investigations; collecting and analyzing data; developing and using models to explain phenomena, and engaging in argument from evidence, all in a literacy and discourse-rich environment. Both curricula address 100% percent of the NGSS as well as a substantial number of the Common Core ELA and Math standards.

Personalized Learning Block

Personalized Learning is a block of the day that focuses on small group instruction in response to student data and targeting individual learning needs. Teachers will use data collected through screeners, content blocks, and assessments to help reteach content, provide scaffolds, or provide instruction in targeted skills to help students achieve mastery of grade level standards.